Product Description
WP Rocket v2.9.2官方日志如下:
WP Rocket v2.9.2(2017年1月11日)
Enhancement: Apply CDN URL to images displayed with wp_get_attachment_image_src()
Enhancement: Preserve Yandex comments during HTML minification
Enhancement: save CloudFlare IPs in a transient to prevent calls to the CloudFlare API
Fix: Replace spaces in cache busting path to prevent loading issue with the cache busting files
Fix: Do not minify if request is a POST method to prevent JS files to be added in the footer of a not cached page
Fix: Check if post type is an object before purge to prevent a PHP warning
Fix: Correctly remove the cache busting folder when uninstalling WP Rocket
Fix: Force int type for CloudFlare browser cache TTL value
关于WP Rocket配置,请参考:最快的wordpress优化插件WP Rocket配置教程 当然也可直接百度搜索WP Rocket。非常非常好用的
神器,我们几乎所有项目都有依赖此神器来优化网站,可以直接抛弃你的W3T,wp supre cache之流。
建议大家,直接参考wp rocket配置教程去配置wp rocket,不用去搞什么汉化版,没什么意义,初中生都认识的单词。如果有这个闲