Product Description
芊雅企服独家发布, the7深度汉化神主题,深度汉化已经发布很久了,此次更新到官方最新版本 4.2.2
v.4.2.2 (Jun 18, 2014):
1. Fixed: "Single Image" VC element: lightbox does npt work - it open an image as a file.
2. Fixed: various Google Webmaster-Tools errors.
3. Disabling Google Fonts for Chinese is easier now (you still need to contact our support for it though).
4. Fixed: WPML can't translate "General" -> "Advanced" -> "Portfolio slug".
5. Fixed: Post featured images: "alt" attribute duplicates "image title" instead of displaying real content of "Alt" field.
6. Fixed: Album lightbox: slightly visible arrows are mispositioned.
7. Fixed: Google Map in a full-width row + Sidebar = map is shifted to the left.