Product Description
The7 更新还是挺频繁的,不过这货还挺好用。尤其是企业建站方面,快、准、狠。展示类型的企业站用这货,就一个字:爽!相关The7教程请搜索 :开源资讯-主题插件教程.
v.1.1.0 (Jan 22, 2015):
1. New feature: slide out header (check out theme demo)!
2. New demos: Shop and Photography added to dummy content.
3. Improved: settings for top bar on mobile devices (opened/closed/disabled).
4. Improved: floating menu animation.
5. Improved: image links design in PhotoScroller.
6. Improved: search for custom post types.
7. Improved: floating menu setting is moved to a separate tab.
8. Improved: for "Benefits layout: Image, & title inline", link is assigned to a title as well.
9. Improved: plugins stylesheets enqueueing.
10. Improved: .less files structured into separate modules.
11. Fixed: "Theme shortcodes" tooltip in back-end.
12. Fixed: Google richsnippet notice for "updated" entry.
13. Fixed: incorrect menu text color (if navigation is placed next to the logo).
14. Fixed: IE11, Porthole slider. Grab to the left does not work.
15. Fixed: Essential grid plugin. Underline is removed from all text links.