Firefox 135.0 发布
Mozilla Firefox 52 Beta 6 发布了,主要增强了Sync同步功能中发送标签页的特性,让触屏版更好支持多进程运行,之前介绍过的在非HTTPS页面上如果出现密码框则会有安全提示在52版本中已经部署。 与此同时,52版本削减了对一些旧插件的支持,还优化了下载时的体验。
- Send and open a tab from one device to another with Sync
- Windows 8 touch screen support for multiprocess Firefox
- Pages containing insecure password fieldsnow display a warning directly within username and password fields.
- Removed Battery Status API to reduce fingerprinting of users by trackers
- Removed NPAPI supportfor plugins other than Flash. Silverlight, Java, Acrobat and the like are no longer supported.
- Implemented the Strict Secure Cookies spec which forbids insecure (http:) sites from setting cookies with the “secure” attribute, and in some cases prevents an insecure site from setting a cookie with the same name as an existing “secure” cookie from the same base domain.
- Improved experience for downloads:
- Notification in the toolbar when a download fails
- Quick access to five most recent downloads rather than three
- Larger buttons for canceling and restarting
- Improved text input with some third-party keyboard layouts on Windows, e.g., keyboard layouts which have chained dead keys, inputs two or more characters with a non-printable key or a dead key sequence, inputs a character even when a dead key sequence failed to compose a character.
- Responsive Design Moderedesigned and enhanced with device selection, network throttling, and more
- Screen sharing shows a preview and no longer requires a whitelisted domain
- EnabledCSS Grid Layout